Case Study: Cervey

HIPPA Compliant Reporting with Tableau

Cervey company logo

About Cervey

Cervey provides customized technology solutions to meet the unique needs of pharmacies, Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), and Long Term Care facilities. Their software offerings can be integrated with existing electronic health records (EHR) and pharmacy systems to help streamline certain day-to-day operations, such as prescription claims processing, 340B compliance, and clinical workflow.

The Challenge

When Cervey came to XeoMatrix, they were planning to deploy Tableau dashboards to their clients, but needed assistance with dashboard security and design.

As a company in the healthcare space, security was a crucial concern for Cervey. Their software handles sensitive patient data and must meet HIPAA compliance requirements. Cervey’s developers were having challenges implementing row-level security in their Tableau dashboards, and they needed an expert Tableau partner to help them ensure that their dashboards were fully HIPAA-complaint and secure.

On the design side, Cervey needed polished dashboards that presented data efficiently and would be appealing to their enterprise-level customers. They were on a very tight timeline and needed a solution developed as quickly as possible.

Strategy & Deliverables

After discussing Cervey’s specific challenges with their development team, we felt that a service plan was the best solution. XeoMatrix’s service plans provide a set number of support hours that can be used at the customer’s discretion. This allows for flexibility in combining design, development, and training services as needed over time. Cervey chose a 40-hour service plan, broken out into multiple development and training sessions with our data analytics experts.

Because HIPAA compliance was a major goal of the project, our team dedicated extra time to Tableau dashboard security training and assistance. This ensured that the final product met all legal requirements for security and that the Cervey team could successfully roll-out their dashboards to healthcare customers. We focused not just on establishing security measures at launch, but also provided training so Cervey’s developers felt confident in their ability to implement and maintain security measures independently following the engagement.

During the design session, we gave the Cervey team the tools they needed to create, style, and polish their dashboards according to best practices in Tableau. Our recommendations were based upon careful consideration of Cervey’s end-users and the data visualizations necessary for achieving their reporting goals.


Following their security and design engagement with XeoMatrix, Cervey began to create their own secure dashboards for their clients. The dashboards integrate daily processes more efficiently and more securely, allowing their clients to quickly access data that they need to work more efficiently and effectively, whether for a pharmacy transaction or routine workflow information.

Rolling out additional Tableau reporting dashboards and embedded analytics in their software allowed Cervey to better meet the needs of their existing customers and made their software more attractive to new customers.

Key Takeaways

  1. HIPAA-compliant Tableau dashboards.
  2. Dashboard design for enterprise healthcare customers.
  3. Flexible service plan allowed access to XeoMatrix’s development, design, and training teams as needed.

Technologies Used

Services Provided

  • Dashboard Design
  • Embedded Analytics
  • Data Security